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Last year after my miserable foot/ankle injury that prevented me from running a marathon for my 40th I would look for a race that would get me back on track soon after recovery. I found that race in the Perfect 10 Miler which is a great residential neighborhood winding race through South Euclid and Lyndhurst starting and ending at Brush High School. A beautiful shaded course with some minor hills and one long gradual incline along a boulevard. For an August race you would think typically that the weather would be on the warm side, but since it is a well shaded residential course with lots of older trees the sun would be a non-factor anyway. Besides that a 7:30 start time is a pretty decent time to complete 10 miles before the baking sun becomes a factor regardless of the shade. It must be fate because the same as last year this year’s weather was perfect. Starting out in the 60s with partial clouds and cool summer breeze. I will say last year was a little bit more muggier, but it was manageable. Since I enjoyed this race last year I decided to run it again this year. My running partner also decided to join in as well and for once we were both injury free to run together. He is just way faster than me, but that’s okay with me. I just love running and as long as I finish I am happy. With training this year I would say I’ve been way more casual and less dedicated so coming into this race I thought for sure I would be way slower. Also, considering I had experienced a minor calf strain at some point after my 25k race in Grand Rapids, MI I had no idea what to expect when pushing it a little during a race. I also decided to not wear earbuds or listens to music either which is only my second time doing that for a race. I did better than expected. The first 3 miles I ran about a 7:45 pace then settled in about an 8:10 pace afterwards. On the long stretch through Belvoir Boulevard I ran with a group of 40 somethings and just started chatting it up. I love talking during runs just so you know, but often times other don’t seem inclined to do that. Finished the race just 2 minutes slower than last year (2013 – 1:21:09 – 2012 – 1:19:11)! I was stoked about that considering the lack of hard training leading up to the race. I did have great long distance runs the prior 2 weekends before the race, but didn’t think that was enough. Obviously my body was more prepared than I thought. I felt great after this race. Later on the race results were posted and I was stunned to realize that last year my overall place was 157 and my overall this year the same at 157! What are the odds of that occurring considering I was 2 minutes slower than last year? Last year for my age group I was 21st and this year I moved up a spot to 20th! Unbelievable. I guess, if anything, I am a consistent runner. Have a look for yourself on the results:

2012 Results

2013 Results (in the 40-45 group)
